A specially designed, 3mm pin punch particularly suited to use on vehicle brake pad pins where the pins are a tight fit and the ends of the pins at risk of spreading out (mushrooming) and jamming in the caliper which can happen when standard flat punches are used. This issue is often seen with Brembo type calipers. The punch is made up of 2 punches in one, the short punch has a specially machined, concaved end that ensures the initial force of impact is concentrated on the circumference of the pin to significantly reduce the chances of mushrooming. Once the pin has moved, the longer pin can be used to continue the removal process.
Double punch to assist in the removal of stuck brake pins.
Size: 3mm x 130 / 60mm.
Concaved ended short pin combined with full length extraction pin.
Manufactured from chrome vanadium & plated for corrosion resistance.
Punches are considered consumable; 3 pin set available � please see Laser Part No. 7865. Other sizes available - please see Laser Part Nos. 7867 (4.8mm), 7868 (5.5mm). EU Registered Design.