Part of a range of vehicle specific tools for the removal and fitting of bushes and ball joints without having to remove suspension legs, subframes, wishbones and trailing arms etc from the vehicle. Designed to be used in-situ, although many can also be used in a workshop press if circumstances require.
Applications: Mitsubishi EVO 4, 5 and 6 CP9A (1996 - 2001) - front lower wishbone track control arm.
Designed to extract and insert with no need to remove ball joint fixings.
Do not exceed 80Nm torque.
Spare parts available: M12 thrust nut (Part No. 1803) and threaded bar (Part No 1319).
Use with ratchet ring spanner - Flexi Head 24mm (Part No. 5753). Made in Sheffield. Always lubricate the force screw with molybdenum disulphide grease before use.